Thursday, October 2, 2008

Vegan MoFo day 2=Cake!

Ok, I know I told you guys about this cake so here it is!

Made by Bela, an amazing veg/vegan restaurant in Northampton. I have never been served better tempeh, dark greens, not to mention their stir-fries, salad dressings, and peanut noodles! BUT THIS CAKE TAKES THE CAKE!

Coconut Lemon, made from organic and local ingredients with a frosting I would do anything to have the recipe for...well maybe, err yea probably almost anything ;)
Its that good.  Under Bela is rated 6 out of all 60 restaurants in Northampton! (And Northampton has more restaurants than every city by square feet in a downtown area in MA, except one part of Boston! And they're all pretty much spectacular and veg friendly!) Now who's coming to visit me? ;)

Fun Fact: My friend Alexis is about to take a bite outa that baby,  she is a VEGAN and we have the same birthday, July 19th! We got this for a non-veg friend's birthday celebration last weekend and lets just say, everyone said they'd never had better cake! That's Vegan MoFo at it's best!

p.s. Excuse our phallic looking candle set-up, it was all we had ;)


River (Wing-It Vegan) said...

Lovely cake! That is one big candle! :P

How cool, you're both vegan and you share a birthday!

Anonymous said...

Oh my my... that cake looks luscious! I want some. Sweet post!

Bex said...

I was gonna say . . . that candle is huge!
The cake sounds awesome.

Anonymous said...

I would love a piece of that cake. Looks delicious!!
Good thing there was only one candle to light....
What a fun night.

Anonymous said...

Wow... that candle is huge... SO IS MY FACE!!! That was a fab cake... but you know they have other FAB flavors too!!! Go check em out! I love Bela's - I would like to live in their kitchen - thanks!

...barbara... said...

mmmm cake...
i have found vegan ice cream in korea...
no to find some cake :)

Sheree' said...

Sounds fantastic! What a great gift to an omni! I love it when omni's taste our food and love it! Go Vegan! Go MoFo!

Lisa -- Cravin' Veggies said...

Hooray for Vegan CAKE!!!

I made a vegan cake for some friends at work and they thought it was the best cake ever! I also just made vegan cupcakes for a benefit last weekend. No one knew they were vegan, but everybody loved them.

Tami said...

Wow, that is some cake!

YAY for the restaurant being #6 in Northampton!

ChocolateCoveredVegan said...

The cake is gorgeous... I love the huge candle. And how cool is it that you have a vegan friend who shares your birthday?!

jess (of Get Sconed!) said...

cute! p.s. I responded to your question about thai food on my blog.