Sunday, October 12, 2008

Cute Little MoFo

Disclaimer: I wrote this yesterday and thought I would get home last night to post, but just got home this afternoon from my night out...continue :)

First, I have to THANK ALL YOU GUYS for your incredibly nice comments you are always leaving on my blog. I really appreciate it and love you guys. Can we somehow get a vegan blog reunion going so I can meet some of you fabulous people in real life?

Ok, next I could not resist not sharing this pic of my pup Lutra (named after the Island of Eleuthera I mentioned yesterday) just waking up from a nap. She's not Asian, just sleepy and soooo cute right here with her little eyes shut.

Ok, on to the food. I have no patience. I used up the soy chirizo on PIZZA! I will get more to make that chili this week, no worries. This is pizza dough from Trader Joe's that I love, although I am not the best at rolling it out. One day I suppose I will have to attempt home-made dough. Toppings are crushed tomatoes, artichokes, fresh basil, sweet peppers and covered with the chorizo and nooch. My non-veg friend Kt had 3 pieces last night and LOVED IT. Vegan pizza takes over the world...

It was a gorgeous day today in Western MA. Check out this perfect butterfly I got a shot of. 

Did I mention it was a BEAUTIFUL day. This is at the end of my little street, look at that AMAZING foliage. I heart warm weather in the fall time. 
Tonight I am off to the Brewery for a friend's birthday. I am sure to have good stories tomorrow! 

Oh, and one last thing does anyone else have the absolute cringing feeling every time you hear McPalin speak...I have mastered the art of chugging beer and burping at the TV loudly whenever she's on...anyone else,  anyone else?? Sexy, I know right, maybe thats just me. 
How fantastic were the Clinton/Biden speeches today in Pennsylvania?

Peace MoFos


Robin at Vegan Planet said...

I appreciate your nice comment on my blog, so I thought I'd stop by and say hi!

Love your blog -- lots of fun!

Lisa -- Cravin' Veggies said...

This was reeeeeeally a deja vu post for me:

A. Lutra reminds me of the apricot tiny toy poodle (Mitzi) that I had when I was a teenager. I'll have to find a picture of her, scan it, and put it on Flickr.

B. We had those plates, too!

C. I am from the Scranton area, but sadly did not get to go to see them. They were awesome though, weren't they? I think I saw Biden fly out from the local airport.

And I say burp away! It can't sound any more ridiculous than what is coming out of their mouths! ;o)

Lisa -- Cravin' Veggies said...

Oh... btw... great pizza! I love nooch on pizza!!

Anonymous said...

My mother has those same plates! And the pizza looks so freaking good.

Oh, looks like lisa (above me) had those plates also. Guess it's a 70s-80s thing?

You're hilarious (in reference to the politics).

Anonymous said...

Very cool post. I'm definitely in a pizza mood now,
and I love the pics of you and your little pup. Very nice!! And I'm with you re: McBush and what's-her- name. They are "pale in" comparison to the kind of leadership we need these days. Write on VV!

Anonymous said...

Oooo that pizza looks delicious. Corning was big in the 80s. That is the cutest little pup i've ever seen. Your pix are beautiful....Autumn is a beautiful time.

danceofbliss said...

Wow, beautiful landscape in that picture! I've always thought Indiana was so boring because it is totally flat, but that flat land looks awesome!
Thanks for the comment!
I really like your blog. And your dog is adorable.

danceofbliss said...

Oh man, thanks for all the comments! I didn't realize I had any comments until a few minutes ago. On my Xanga blog I get emails alerting me when I've received a comment, so I guess I was expecting emails.
By the way, you look amazing in a bikini! Do you work out? I want to get that fit! =D

VeganView said...

HI everyone! Danceofbliss...I despise gyms! I think they are for people who don't get laid. Sorry, just a theory. I do pilates twice a week...that's it! I eat well, I walk when I can, I do yoga in my own home when I have motivation...I like to dance at nightclubs when I am cocktailing...I love beer, that's my workout!

danceofbliss said...

Nice theory! Haha.
I just did yoga for the first time in FOREVER and it felt amazing. I despise gyms, too. I feel so bad for people who "love to run/go to the gym" because for me it's just torture. If it's actually true for them, I don't understand it but good for them!

danceofbliss said...

Silk contains animal products? Jeez!!! Everyone's sneaking animal products into my innocent food!

VeganView said...

I don't know if SIlk contains animal products , but they are owned by a company that is factory farm friendly...STONYFIELD DOES CONTAIN ANIMAL DAIRY IN THEIR SOY YOGURT!

Kelly said...

Mmmm I had pizza as well today. Perfect for this kind of weather. I also love your picture of the foilage. I live outside Boston and we're getting some nice changing leaves as well.

River (Wing-It Vegan) said...

Beautiful pictures! I love your puppy!! So adorably sleepy!
Hey, maybe you can burp the alphabet game at her! :)

ChocolateCoveredVegan said...

Yes! A vegan reunion... but only if you bring your precious doggy!

What?! I think Palin is so eloquent and erudite... ummmm NOT! Well maybe compared to George Bush! Biden, however, is amazing. Every time he opens his mouth, he impresses me more and more.

...barbara... said...

sweet puppies....they are so cute....
the pizza looks delectable....

p.s. i tried to read your survey post but my comp writes something in korean at me that i cannot decipher about why that is....

Anonymous said...

OMG, look at that puppy... And they call it, "Puppy Love." Nice mix of food and politics today!

Bethany said...

your dog is so cute!

Love those pizza toppings. yummy.vegan pizza totally rocks.

Palin was on SNL last night, which was funny. In general, I don't like McPalin at all. scary people.